Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Reading List

     My reading list continues to grow this year with the completion of 2 more books.  I finished Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens 5 or 6 weeks ago and enjoyed it immensely, from beginning to end.  Then as I was considering some possibilities, though really not sure of where I wanted to go next, I came across a biography called Tolkien And C.S. Lewis: The Gift of Friendship.

Both of these men are two of my favorite authors so I decided to give the book a try.  The beginning seemed a little bland at first with the discussion of each man's upbringing, but once the author reached the beginning of the friendship the book turned around.

I found their friendship very interesting and enjoyed learning about what that friendship meant to each of them.

So what's next on my reading list?  I'm not sure.  Having read most of Tolkien including The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and The Silmarillion, I don't have many more places to go with him;  I don't think I'm ready to begin the Unfinished Tales.

With C.S. Lewis I've read the seven books of the Narnia Chronicles and his science fiction space trilogy.  All absolutely wonderful stories, and next school year we will be studying Narnia.  I'm also thinking we'll be doing The Hobbit as well.

But, I put another C.S. Lewis on hold at the library, Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold.  It was highly recommended in the biography.  I hope I like it.

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