Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wilderness Center Nature Studies

The Wilderness Center has some wonderful education programs that we enjoy taking part in with our homeschool group. Today was a pond study. Here we are following our guide down the trail to the pond. You gotta love those pond critter catchers. They are old broom handles with kitchen strainers duct-taped to them. The kids love 'em and they work much better than nets because the critters are easier to see and get out.
You might think the pond has lots of pond scum on it, but actually it is a floating plant that covers the pond. Many of the creatures feed on this plant.Once the kids find some creatures, the guide tells them what they are. We found lots of rams horn snails and dragonfly nymphs, plus many other things.
M is checking to see if she was able to scoop up anything interesting.

After they spend some time at the pond, they return to the lab where they are able to look at the creatures under microscopes.

The kids love using the microscopes, but who wouldn't. They are pretty cool!We go back again in November for are next program which will be on trees.

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