Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Culinary Competition

At the end of the school year, which happened to be 2 weeks ago,  the culinary lab at the career center holds a culinary competition. 

First, they start out competing against their classmates for a postion on the competition team.  This took about 2 weeks and in the end LittleE was selected as the team alternate.  YEA!!

Next, they compete with other surrounding area schools for medals and scholarships, and look what LittleE brought home from school that night!

Yep, she did great! 

The day before the competition was to take place however, she was informed that she would be competing for another school in the next county over.  Chef graciously loaned them LittleE plus one other student.

While competing, she was responsible for the appetizer for her team-- zucchini fritters!  Of couse, we here at home have yet to taste them, but they must have been very good.  That's right... when LittleE is at home she doesn't cook... sad, but true.

I did get her to make potato skins though a few weeks ago when grandma and papa were here.  They were delicious!

Back to the competition....
LittleE's "other county" team won third place in the team competition garnering her a $2000 scholarship to a top culinary school. 

She won a silver medal for her personal chef skills, plus
she won a gold medal for being the top overall scoring team.

I'd say it was a pretty good evening, and in her words, "the fastest 2 hours of my life."
Great job, LittleE!

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