Saturday, January 9, 2010

Glimpes of Winter at our House

We've gotten a little bit of snow this past week, probably a good 6 - 8 inches. It's been gray and cloudy all week though, so hopefully when the snow is done flying we'll see some sunshine.
The birds came looking to be fed this morning, but the feeder was empty. I had enough to fill the feeder half way and stuck around to take some pictures. A few came but didn't seem to like my presence.

Check out my squirrel catcher under the feeder? It's a simple and effective way to keep the squirrels from the bird seed. It's an empty popcorn tin- the kind they always have out at Christmas time. I painted it a glossy green to match my pole and mounted it underneath. The squirrel climbs the post and finds himself inside the can with no where to go but back down. It's worked every time and my bird seed is now strictly for the birds.
Happy Winter!!

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